Sunday 7 December 2014

Website ideas

To build up the star image for our band we need to create a webpage for them. To do this I have used a website called 'Wix'. This is a fantastic free webpage creation platform that enables us to innovate colourful and imaginative webpages that fulfil the needs of an informative band webpage. Wix allows the user to insert widgets and links for a low cost and in our case no cost. The website is simple, informative and clear. Wix also allows you to create a mobile version of your webpage, which is very useful considering how popular smart phones are now. 

Calum took lead control on creating the website as working with social media/platforms is one of my strong points. We started off by choosing a template for the webpage. We went with a music based template as i felt it was appropriate considering we are producing a premium product for a band. We then chose the background wallpaper for the website, I chose a print that replicated a similar theme to the promo vid but still maintained the earthy/organic image of 'Lion The Weak'. Image used below:

The first step we took was creating the front page, this needed to be catching but no too cluttered. The band's title/logo acted as a centre-piece for the home page. The front page also needed to give information about the band's latest release. It also included various links to where you can buy tickets to their european tour aswell as where you can listen to their track 'Wasted Words' via an interactive widget for 'Soundcloud'.

Thirdly we created a page that would act as a blog, this includes pictures, news and exclusive information about the band. This gives the fans a greater sense of involvement with the band. The ideas I have already included on the website are a gallery style display of photos involving the band, we also included a selection of songs that the lead singer 'Jack' is particularly enjoying at this moment in time. We named this 'Jack's Favourites'. The blog page also keeps the fans involved with the band's social networking links, eg Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Soundcloud.

The final page is designed to give updates of the band's show dates. Information on this page includes, the date of the show and where the show is taking place. My original aim with the website was to create something that is as informative as possible but not cluttered. It is very important that it is aesthetically pleasing for the fans.

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