Wednesday 4 March 2015

Evaluation 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research and planning of the evaluation stages?


In class we created a spider diagram showing all the different technologies we have used along Media Studies course. I colour coordinated this diagram to make it visually clear how divergent we were with technologies.The process of using new media technologies has been a good experience. I have learned how to use many major software technologies for many different purposes. This included; Adobe Premier Pro for editing our music video, After Effects for developing the special effects in the music video, like the stop motion, and band branding in the establishing shot.

Using software like premier pro, was simple, easy and hugely beneficial. From AS to A2 I would say that the process of editing has been my biggest improvement. No only did i enjoy the process as a whole but i found that it was something that could really make a huge difference especially with the music video. 


We shot the photos seen on the digi-pak with a Nikon D5100 camera, we used external lighting equipment to create a naturalistic scene. We manipulated the images with VSCO (iPhone application) which enables you to add filters and grain to images to give a professional look. The layering was done using Photoshop CS6 and GIMP image manipulator, these are two professional pieces of software.

The Script

In this video we will be doing a directors commentary on our music video, Wasted Words, in evaluation of our promotional campaign for indie rock band Lion the Weak

The cameras used throughout the video were the Sony F3, Sony FS100 and a Canon 5D Mark 3

The F3 camera dominated a lot of our shots as it was the highest quality cinematic camera and allowed for a professional looking product. This is a camera used within the industry.

We mounted the Sony F3 to a dolly. This meant that we could track back and forth along the set when filming the performance element to create a flowing sequence. One of the challenges we faced was keeping the pace of the dolly to the beat of the music. However, with practise, this became very effective.

The FS100 was a more mobile camera and enabled us to take close-up shots of the band, such as the extreme close up of the bass player and guitarist. We also used this camera to focus on the props of our music video such as the light-bulb shots that featured in the opening 20 seconds.

The Cannon 5D is an SLR camera, that enabled us to complete our stop motion element to our music video. This featured a picture of a lion that developed over time. This was also part of the band’s branding. This artistic element featured in the closing 5 seconds of our video.

We used three different types of cinematic prime lenses in the production of our music video; these were 35, 50 and 85 mm. These different lenses were used for different purposes, for example certain lenses were used for high quality close ups and some were used for high quality wide shots. We changed these lenses every time we changed the position of the camera.

We arranged the shots in the postproduction stage using editing software Adobe Premiere Pro. The software used is semi professional and we were experienced with this technical piece of technology when cutting our animatic in time to the song, earlier on in the production stage.

Using the blade cut tool and we could crop shots, in order to create a structured meaning to the performance. We created two separate cuts, one performance cut and one final cut. The performance cut only featured the band whereas the final cut was the full package.

After cutting the video we added a strawberry filter using the colour-correcting tool on adobe after effects. We modelled our filter from Wes Anderson’s style of work. He was a big influence in the entire production process.

After effects was an extremely helpful programme that allowed us to manipulate image and graphics of the video. We also used this piece of software to develop the stop-motion element. This was originally a separate clip that we ended up laying over the top of the final cut of the music video. By making the image transparent the audience could see both the band and the lion image, creating an established band.

By uploading our video to YouTube, we became a prosumer because we created and uploaded our own content, in order to reach an audience and sell the band’s star image.

The Video



By using digital media technologies I have used technological convergence to ensure that I have produced three products as a part of a successful campaign.  My use of the camera Sony F3 and the canon 5D and programmes/websites like Final Cut Pro, blogger, WIX and adobe Premier pro have enabled me to become a prosumer, a creator of media products to a near professional standard.  The use of Final cut pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional  media equipment.  I have also been able to share ideas and research global and industry standard products.  Digital technology has made available to me opportunities to upload, share and distribute my products using You tube as a free online broadcast platform.  It is also interactive – audiences have been able to feedback, like and comment on my products using features such as   , and other online tools.  These new skills learned on this course have enabled to gain experience not only as a user of digital technology, but also to also become a producer – important to an understanding of the media in an online age.

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